Fake Psychics

Psychics have been the subject of controversy and fascination for thousands of years.  They were shunned in Biblical times, and over the course of human history the discipline has been, in its hey day BY ALEX MATSUO (PUBLISHED JAN 14, 2014) Psychics have been the subject of controversy and fascination for thousands of years.  They were…

John Edward did his “psychic reading” on Dr. Phil this past week. I do not believe in psychic mediums or psychics at all. I think these are people who read people to some degree, and use people for pure profit. I have yet to watch one person in nine years who I believe. Not one.…

A review of the strange, sad show at the Borgata in Atlantic City. Get a compelling long read and must-have lifestyle tips in your inbox every Sunday morning — great with coffee! Does she know I’m standing behind her, I wonder? “Can I talk about the baby that died at birth?” Of all of the…

Theresa Caputo, a self-proclaimed psychic whose Italian origins are quite evident (she was born Theresa Brigandi), has been a celebrity for quite some time now thanks to her reality TV show Long Island Medium. However, all of her apparently paranormal demonstrations are perfectly explainable and, interestingly, most of them would not have been possible only a…

That’s what she calls her live show: “The Experience”. Well, let me tell you about the experience that I had at her show last night. First off, my mom and I were huge fans of her hit TLC show “The Long Island Medium”. Shortly after my brother passed away in May 2013, I discovered the…

Pyschic John Edward prepares for his 2016 shows at the St. George Theater. (Staten Island Advance/Jin Lee) Rob Bailey | Reading John Edward: For 300 bucks you can meet him at a hotel on Staten Island Yes, John Edward is back on Staten Island doing his thing this weekend. And it’s a “special 100…