Category: NONSENSE


On Wednesday, Pat Robertson spent time on “The 700 Club” telling NASA not to waste money going to Mars or searching for life beyond Earth. Why? Well because in Robertson’s non-expert opinion there’s nothing out there in space besides “barren rocks” and “gaseous balls.” “This planet is where God has got an experiment in what…

So, in about 1982 I was in an observation room at the Johnson Space Center, looking down on the guys in Mission Control, and I started snapping pictures. Our neighbor was an engineer at NASA and he had invited us over to see Mission Control during a shuttle mission. Anyway, there was a sign on…

Something borrowed, something blue…something old, and, something old from the Wall Street Journal “A perfect storm in the Democratic Party is making a once-unfathomable scenario plausible: a political comeback for Hillary Clinton in 2024. Several circumstances—President Biden’s low approval rating, doubts over his capacity to run for re-election at 82, Vice President Kamala Harris’s unpopularity,…